The eDemocracy DAO is first and foremost a community. The Ethelo platform will provide a home page for each Citizen which will host several features which will support social networking needs of that community.

Every social network is about representing some kind of identity, shaped to a large degree by the culture and technology of that network. Linkedin, for example, allows people to present their professional identity. eDemocracy DAO will provide a social network that will enable Citizens to present their political identity. “Political identity” here is not a partisan idea, though it can include that. Rather it is an umbrella term that refers to a person's relationship to governance decisions in communities they belong to, such as DAOs or cities.

This social technolayer, which will be integrated into every Ethelo process, will provide each Citizen with a personalized area which will include;

1. Personal Profile Page

Anyone who posts a comment on any Ethelo project will have their name linked back to a profile page which they can personalize. This page include

They will be able to describe aspects of their identity which pertain to their political identity including;

People will be able to accumulate influence by sharing their voting information with others. This page will provide the portal for others to access this voting information and see metrics of influence of the sharer.

2. Decision Management

The Citizen Area will provide a Decision Management Interface that lists all the various engagement processes they have participated in, or are eligible to participate in with indications of what rewards can be earned through participation.

There will always be new decisions they can participate in to earn tokens. Part of the mandate of eDemocracy DAO will be to be constantly offering public decision processes people can engage in.

The Decision Management Interface will also provide tools for participants to initiate decision processes of their own, everything from simple survey tools to advanced decision processes. There will be a share-alike area of easy-to-use templates and guides. It will also include tools for engaging other participants in those processes such as payment systems for compensating and rewarding others. This will be the same machinery that supports our Panel business.

People will also be able to donate to decision processes they would like to see happen (eDemocracy Grants) and promote processes they would like others to donate to.