
eDemocracy DAO is a decentralized organization dedicated to advancing and improving group decisions and governance systems using digital technology. Our mission is to create the technology and human infrastructure to bring about a global digital democracy.

We believe that only through radical improvement in our governance and collective decision processes can humanity overcome deep challenges such as climate change and economic equality.

eDemocracy DAO serves communities and organizations by providing group decision services and infrastructure. It is home to a community of individuals inspired to change the world through better group decisions and eDemocracy.


eDemocracy DAO is an unincorporated entity that includes both human members and member organizations. Its founding organizations include;

Business Model

eDemocracy DAO - and in particular the Coop which runs the business operation - provides value and earns revenue by supporting decision processes using Web3 technology. The community will comprise people with expertise in providing online group decision services of all kinds, from zoom-based facilitation to technology configuration. In the early days we will provide bespoke implementations of Ethelo for Web3 organizations such as Gitcoin. We will provide the Ethelo platform as a dApp, and in the longer term, as a Software Development Kit (SDK) and API (Application Programming Interface) for other DAOs to customize and integrate Ethelo into their technology stacks. We will also provide a gamified decision UX that incentivizes great decision participation, and provide a Panel service where we provide participants for democratic decisions, opinion research and market testing.

Political Impact

eDemocracy DAO is not just a business. It is also dedicated to creating political impact. It will draw on its treasury to fund a regular granting round to fund and host democratic processes to reach broad consensus on matters of public policy. Those processes will be the “best of practice” democratic processes using a combination of education, live deliberation and digital technologies powered by statistically significant and demographically representative participation. eDemocracy DAO members and supporters can donate to support the development democratic mandates on public policy issues. Political candidates running in public elections can seek the endorsement of eDemocracy DAO by committing to the eDemocracy Platform - the evolving set of policy positions created using eDemocracy processes.

Citizenship and Membership

Any human can become a Citizens of eDemocracy DAO and engage in digital decision processes, earning Thelo, our native currency, for their participation. Those processes can include organization-specific decisions, as well as decision processes on public policy questions. People who want to become more deeply involved can purchase or earn a Membership in eDemocracy Coop, the legal entity responsible for coordinating eDemocracy DAO. Members can participate in the governance of eDemocracy DAO and the management of the organization.

Token Economy

The eDemocracy ecosystem is powered economically by digital tokens called Thelo, designated by the Greek character θ. Thelo are used to instrument and reward good participation in group decision processes. It is also used to fund the services and technology needed for good group decisions and the operations of eDemocracy DAO. More about Thelo.

We will also issue an investment share called a Klismos which means “chair”. These will be registered securities with dividend and other economic rights. They will each come with a unique NFT artwork of a chair corresponding to the share which makes it easy to transfer. More about Klismos
