
Our goal with the Governance of eDemocracy DAO is to provide an example of best practices and ongoing innovation and improvement in governance.

We will incorporate both synchronous (real-time) and asynchronous processes. We will excel in all the different components of decision-making, from ideation and deliberation to aggregation and ratification. We will implement new web3 technologies, such as digital identity and decentralized voting, as well as older skills such as facilitation and debate. We experiment with new approaches, including liquid trust and artificial intelligence.


The “decentralization” of DAOs to refer to the movement away from traditional hierarchies of power. However there must be a corresponding “toward” to fill the functional gap left by such a move - and to merit the effort, that objective should promise better decisions than those hierarchies.

Our approach to decentralization is to center the process of decision-making itself, abstracted from fixed institutional structures or relationships between people and towards the structure of decision-making.

Each decision starts with a question or a problem, and that “seed” can come from anyone. We will call it a “Question” but note that it may not come in the form of a question in its first manifestation. It may come in the form of a proposal, or an argument. But the Question is always implicit.

Governance in our framework is the process of surfacing, deliberating on, and answering Questions in a manner that receives a social license.

We will be building this new approach on top of the legal structures and requirements of registered corporate entities such as eDemocracy Coop. We will not be starting from nothing, but building upon and adapting from a starting point of proven functionality. That includes concepts of directors, fiduciary obligation, legal existence and regulatory compliance.

Legal Structure

It is important to note that eDemocracy DAO contains a number of distinct types of persons/entities, and spheres of jurisdiction;